Local Advocate Recognized by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association

INDIANAPOLIS — Gweedo Memorial Foundation President Tammy Gweedo McGee received a 2024 Peter K. O’Rourke Special Achievement Award from the Governors Highway Safety Association on Sept. 10.

The award recognizes “notable achievements in the field of highway safety by individuals, coalitions, organizations, nonprofit groups, businesses, media, government agencies, universities or programs.”

Tammy Gweedo McGee became an advocate for teen safe driving education after losing her son, 16-year-old Conner, in a car crash in Yorktown after leaving his homecoming dance in 2019.

“Tammy Gweedo McGee was recognized for her dedicated and passionate support of teen driver safety. After her son Conner was killed in a crash involving an unlicensed teen driver, McGee founded the Gweedo Memorial Foundation and has dedicated her time and energy to preventing others from having to experience the same loss she did,” the Governors Highway Safety Association said on its website.

“She was instrumental in the passage of two bills in Virginia that address safety in high school parking lots and parents’ involvement in their teens’ driving. McGee also founded IfYouSeeSomethingSaySomething.org, a site that allows people to anonymously report dangerous driving,” it added.

The Gweedo Memorial Foundation said the award is accepted on behalf of all those lost to preventable distracted driving incidents in Virginia and around the world, including her beloved son Conner.

“As you know, promoting safe driving habits among teenagers is crucial for reducing accidents and saving lives. Our initiatives in Virginia have made considerable strides in this area, and we are proud to have our efforts recognized on a national level. This achievement is not just a personal honor but a testament to the collective work we have done to ensure the safety of our young drivers,” it said.

Read more about the awards at ghsa.org/about/safety-awards


Distracted driving York County